Life and Leadership

Life and Leadership

A brilliant Anthropologist who dedicated her life working on gender equality, academic research, and writing, leads HerWILL’s Life & Leadership Program to ask tough questions that try to find the root causes of the gender divide. Naaz Fahmida Ahsan masterfully strategizes her monthly program and gets up close and personal with her guests in HerWILL’s flagship program. Naaz is now getting worldwide recognition, better opportunities, mentorship, and the altruistic satisfaction that drive her to do her best every day.

The Art and Science of our Programs - Naaz Fahmida Ahsan

Each time one of our panel discussions go live, my private inbox gets hit with a fresh batch of messages. Most of them are downright beautiful, encouraging and motivational. Others come laden with queries. Like how I feel about “hosting” these discussions. Are the topics “assigned” to me by someone. Do the guests have a hand in preparing the content for me? Am I “allowed” to ask my own questions?

love the queries and messages but today also want to take this opportunity to perhaps provide a glimpse of the elaborate process that eventually shape up as these webinars. In doing so, I hope to impart the importance of our panel discussions as an essential tool and part of our advocacy and outreach efforts.

Firstly, none of our discussions are in reality an interview. They are topic-driven and theoretically constructed in a way to brainstorm possible solutions to problems by the conductor/organiser from a research perspective, with experts from fields who are considered best-placed to broach the topics.

This is not limited to the Life & Leadership series. STEM programmes, Let’s talk Mental Health, Her OBgyn, Stories of Success, all our original production and content are independently bred by the teams, with minimal intrusion and maximum technical support and motivation from the organisational unit.

Instead of this action taking place behind closed doors somewhere, as a closed event, HerWILL makes this available for the whole world to participate and benefit from.

For the Life & Leadership Series: once a topic is selected aligned to HerWILL’s mission and objectives, as a researcher in cultural anthropology I delve into the theoretical background and identify how this discussion could benefit the audience and ourselves in progressing gender equality. This is where I put my anthropological lenses to the matter to try and create a bridge between what is academically an accepted fact but not quite embraced socio-culturally by the communities we represent.

We then move onto identifying the person with appropriate credentials to become an advocate for the matter. These people range from a subject matter expert, someone with a lived-in experience of the subject in question, a public figure advocating for the topic or an activist for gender equality. We’re fortunate that this spectrum is endless and we have so many known and unknown champions of gender equality working away.

The one thing in common though is the fact that all our guest speakers are incredibly talented and incredibly busy : ) And despite their busy schedules, they graciously come forward to support us within a blink of an eye, without any hesitation or the need to be convinced, because theirs and HerWILL’s vision and hope for the future is one and the same – that of an equal world.

Together, HerWILL strives to conduct a root-cause-analysis through dialogue and discussion, and approaches the multilayered complexity of gender barriers from different directions, both at home and at work, to ultimately uproot the problem from its core.

Come join our movement, our mission because we believe each of us have something unique to offer in taking on gender inequality and turning it around!

Our time is now.