Google Digital Lessons & Curriculum

Study Skills and Organization

Use Drive to Organize Files

Learn how to store, access, and share documents, presentations, forms, and photos in the cloud.

Organize Your Time with a Digital Agenda

Create a digital agenda by adding events, tasks, and reminders in Google Calendar.

Manage Your Time With Google Sheets

Analyze your day and use what you learn to make decisions about how you spend your time.

Track Due Dates and Tasks in Gmail

Keep track of important dates and tasks using your Gmail side panel.

Take Notes in a Table

Take notes for class by creating a table in Google Docs.

Memorize Facts with a Visual Mnemonic

Commit facts to memory by creating a visual mnemonic in Google Drawings.

Learn New Vocabulary with Flash Cards

Study vocabulary words for a book you are reading by creating flash cards in Google Slides.

Create a Meme with Google Drawings

Create a meme to illustrate a concept you have learned.

Use a Spreadsheet for Time Management

Analyze how you spend your time and learn time management using Google Sheets.